Feel Free to Talk to Us! 541-757-9884 | teacherpatty47@hotmail.com

Photo Gallery Meet the Teachers
As a humble preschool in Oregon, we have provided many children with a sturdy stepping-stone to achieving early academic success.

Who We Are

Our Mission Statement and Philosophy

Bright Beginnings offers a developmentally appropriate early childhood education program that meets the holistic needs of the children and encourages the power of play. Play is the primary occupation of a child. The curriculum respects both the age and the individual needs of each child. We provide a safe, healthy learning environment to advance your child’s physical and intellectual competence, communication, and creativity. Social and emotional development is encouraged to nurture self-esteem, social responsibility, and pro-social skills.
What is developmentally appropriate practice? Developmentally appropriate practice means that preschool activities and the program takes into account what each child is ready for. Preschools should offer children ages 2-5 a wide variety of hands-on opportunities to explore the world around them.
Daily routines at Bright Beginnings motivate children to engage in many active learning experiences. These experiences enhance children’s development in cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, social competencies, language and literacy skills, creative expression, and sensory integration.
The physical environment at Bright Beginnings is well organized and safe. We incorporate safety and nutrition into the developmental curriculum. Each week both parents receive themed lesson plan for the week through Brightwheel. The learning environment is designed to offer more extensive yet smaller spaces for learning. Gross motor movement is encouraged through a variety of indoor and outdoor play equipment. We implement daily small and large group times, including calendar and weather learning, discussions, exercises, rhymes, music, dance, and much more.

Daily activities encourage learning and problem solving and logical thinking skills such as classifying objects, comparing/measuring, arranging objects in a series, pattern recognition, awareness of time concepts and sequence, awareness of position in space, one-to-one correspondence, and using numbers and counting. Opportunities are given to encourage representational and symbolic thought through creative expressive activities such as art activities and projects and unstructured opportunities for dramatic play. Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, and Montessori inspired ideas are implemented in the program.
For language: activities encourage oral self-expression, answering and asking questions, and following verbal directions and conversations. Reading and writing skills are also included, such as listening to stories and participating in storytime discussions, understanding print concepts, beginning knowledge of the alphabet and phonic concepts, using emerging reading skills (to make meaning from print), and writing letters and words. We provide fun activities creatively, both in large and small group settings.
We believe that teacher-child interactions communicate acceptance, respect, and trust with each child; this includes respect for basic group expectations. Positive guidance strategies are utilized to encourage respect, care, and social responsibility for each other. We stress the importance of positive interactions and the appreciation of one another.
When it comes to preschool education and kindergarten readiness, the school programs at Bright Beginnings will be sure to provide your child with a sturdy academic foundation. Read a detailed discussion about our programs by exploring our website more.